Our team has experience in the emerging, disrupting and fast-growing sectors where the Israeli’s excellence is unparalleled :
- Agtech, Watertech, Foodtech, Energy Saving
- Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Smart Mobility
- Retail & e-Commerce
- HomeLand Security & Cyber
- Fintech & Insurtech
- Proptech
As technology & innovation scouts, we use our network of Israeli experts :
- to look for the solutions you need in order to solve some of your most pressing challenges,
- to identify innovative products and services that will help you remain competitive in your market and take your business to the next level.
We identify your specific requirements and expectations.
We design a tailored-made innovation trip in cooperation with a team of local experts.
We introduce you to the key players of the vibrant Israeli innovation ecosystem:
• Start-ups & Entrepreneurs
• Universities & Researchers
• Military
• Accelerators & Incubators
• R&D Centers (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Samsung, GE…)
• Investment Funds
We introduce you to the relevant strategic technology partners, VC or private equity funds.
Thanks to our legal and business background, we help you negotiate and formalize agreements, for partnership or investments.
We assist Israeli innovative start-ups in defining and implementing the best strategies to develop new markets outside of Israel.
We use our extensive corporate international network to connect them to the relevant business partners, when both language and cultural barriers might be challenging to overcome.
We help Israeli startups identify private and public funding opportunities.
One additional service we can offer our clients.
Thanks to our worldwide network of high-profile individuals in the political and economic arenas - former presidents and
ministers, leaders of international financial institutions, academics, leaders of multinational corporations, we can connect you with the perfect speaker that will make your event, unique.
Whether you need a world leader, a business visionary, a moderator, we work with you to select the right speaker who will meet your objectives and budget - be it for a keynote, a debate or an informal luncheon.
Propriétaire :
Calya Consultants, SAS au capital de 25.000 €
RSC Paris 539 733 154
Responsable publication : Nathalie Biderman
Hébergeur : ionos.fr